Things turned out to be good last Sunday, after almost the whole week of distressful condition. Sometimes, I find it hard to communicate with people of different level of thinking. I felt lonely when I can't see things on the same level as what others see, and it hurts somehow. Anyway, things do turn out to be fine but still awkward, and I still manage to get through it.
Last Sunday is the first event held by Penang Cosplay Club (PGCC) hosted by Gim and Reimaru in Little Penang Street. It's an intervene program held together with the cultural show in Little Penang Street. There was performances such as Indian traditional dance, Japanese song singing and some other performances. Cosplay is considered as the modern culture of Japan, hence this is where the program intervene with the event. PGCC held a Cosplay Costume Competition on that day.
Last Sunday is the first event held by Penang Cosplay Club (PGCC) hosted by Gim and Reimaru in Little Penang Street. It's an intervene program held together with the cultural show in Little Penang Street. There was performances such as Indian traditional dance, Japanese song singing and some other performances. Cosplay is considered as the modern culture of Japan, hence this is where the program intervene with the event. PGCC held a Cosplay Costume Competition on that day.
This was the first time I ever participated in a cosplay competition and I was very nervous that day which I could feel my hands shaking when posing for the competition (= ="). The event was quite successful, which I felt comfortable with the flow of the competition and simple arrangement of rules. Obviously, we have to thanks PGCC for making this happened. Honestly, I felt surprised to be able to get 2nd runner up in the competition, since I know that how my hands shake when posing......
Total there were 11 competitors. The group photo below credit to Edmund Tan.
Well, not full group here though.....

Below are some of the photos during the competition (photos credit to Darren K Ong) Well.. I kind of feel that my yellow did not stand out in the black cloth... Might have to enhanced the color more......
Well, not full group here though.....

Below are some of the photos during the competition (photos credit to Darren K Ong) Well.. I kind of feel that my yellow did not stand out in the black cloth... Might have to enhanced the color more......
Yesh... i like Tsu's expression here.... =/////= cute SeeU...
The character I was doing that day was Kagamine Len from the song Setsu Getsu Ka Vocaloid. Basically, its a triangular tragedy love story among Len Kaito and Gakupo (ehm ehm... my BL..... =//////=) and.... Len died in the end .......... This is the first song that I fall in love with, from Vocaloid series. Still I want to emphasize that I am not a huge fans of Vocaloid, but sometimes, the songs and story are just too awesome to ignore.^^''

Camwhoring with others is most important things to do. Photos credited to Molly and her Nokia (my Rabbito lost 99........)
Sadly I did not manage to get camwhoring with all the cosplayers on spot, like Shiori's Luka nurse, Tsu's SeeU, etc...
Madara @ Fuyu
Alois OVAIII @ Molly Eberwein
Kagamine Len @ Maro
Sadly I did not manage to get camwhoring with all the cosplayers on spot, like Shiori's Luka nurse, Tsu's SeeU, etc...
Madara @ Fuyu
Alois OVAIII @ Molly Eberwein
Kagamine Len @ Maro
To be honest, I had planned for Setsu Getsu Ka for more than a year already. Still, many things happen and finally I manage to come out with the costume and went for the event ^^. I still need to improve much on the details though, to make it looks more glamorous. I have to refine on my makeup as well, and change the contact lenses. Maybe someday I'll make review on this :Bubble Lens =3= . The lens is awesome, and the color is just nice for Len, just that its not attractive enough. Might have to get another pairs.
The only photos I have for that day. The time is just too rush to go for photoshoot, but I manage to get Ren Ren to pick one up for me ^^
Kagamine Len @ Maro
photo thx Rin Snape
edit by me~~~~~
edit by me~~~~~
Well, do hope that I could get the group shoot done within this year. I am now burning with inspiration of the storyline and framework for this!!!!!